Thanks Stocker, That's what I am looking for, Input like yours
Yeah, It's just mocked up. The drivelines are hung by string and the tcase is on wedges.
You are mostly correct, The pinion and the trans output should either be parrallel as you describe, or the pinion should point directly at the trans output and run a CV-joint at the trans output.
I am going to try the second option without the CV for starters. I have 1410 u-joints and right now the biggest CV is 1350. Tom's driveline is supposted to get the "Bigelow" joint in someday and it is 1410 in size. Pretty cool check out the site.
I guess my real question is this, I can raise the tcase a bit more and get more clearance, but I also get greater driveline angle.
Or I can lower it and have better angle but less clearance.
I have probalby pushed a standard joint to the limit at the current locaton, maybe I should just plan on dropping 550 bucks into a driveline, but that is something I would rather avoid.
Raise it, Lower it, Leave it?
What to do?