Thread: Branded title?
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Old 02-21-2014, 05:27 PM   #2
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Re: Branded title?

Not here in Texas. They usually go by the vin ID plate.

Lots of vintage/antique vehicles have had various parts replaced, modified and completely changed over in the past but as long as the vin ID plate is there that's what the vehicle is. Back in the 60's I had an old 56 Mercury I made into a beach buggy. I took all the sheet metal off and cut the front cab but left the windshield and front firewall. I also cut the frame by 32 inches and put a homemade bed on the back. It was still a 56 Mercury when I sold it.
68 GMC 250/3 speed Saginaw p/b p/s
69 Chevy 350/350 currently in pieces still lookin for a cab
06 Trailblazer
I just want a vehicle that I can work on, that won't talk to me, leave error msgs or keep track of how I drive...
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