Thread: Branded title?
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Old 02-21-2014, 09:52 PM   #6
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Re: Branded title?

probably not, but call the DOL and ask. i often thought of making one solid cancer free cab, between my 67 and my 69. the 69 is inspected registered and titled, but i like the way the 67 looks more than the 69. plus my 67 has a sway bar, a nicer stance, rims, etc. technically, if i swap the cab from the 69 over to the rolling frame of the 67, its still the 69...kind of... the numbers on the frame better not be the same as those of a stolen vehicles, though. you also have to ask yourself....whens the last time the avg. cop asked you if your cab's vin matched the frame? and then checked?? also then, what in the heck are you even doing to draw THAT much attention? a fourth/fifth one might be do you think the avg. cop would know the difference between the two just by looking at, or even care? if so.. see question 3.

if you havnt had an inspection yet, and all you have is parts and want to make a functioning vehicle, then get what numbers you can, and state your case to the DOL over the phone, ask them to see if they come up as stolen. if they do, well, turn em in.

oh, before i forget, do you have a title?? bill of sale?? anything???? if not...

if they are not stolen, tickets, leins, w/e, the worst case, you will have to surrender the truck to the city or w/e, but if all goes smooth, then youll need to send a registered letter to the previously titled owner(s) of either vehicle(s). basically this is to show that you attempted to make contact with the p/o, and if it comes back un opened, you may then get the vehicle inspected and pending a passing inspection, (of one complete vehicle) you may register the truck in your name. after you register it in your name, you may have a title issued in your name after i think its 3 years after the initial date of registration.

best of luck to you. ive acquired 2 trucks for basically the cost of inspections and reg/ titling fees, and you can too, because washington is awesome!
'69 c10 longbed granny 4spd 292 "Behemoth"
'67 c10 longbed granny 4spd 292 "Burzum"
some pictures of my work in progress

R.I.P. Corey "Flattus Maximus" Smoot 11/3/11
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