So yesterday was pretty productive. I spent the morning cleaning and rearranging my garage so the ridiculously huge suburban would fit inside. I had to take one of my workbenches and put it in the basement.
Went for multiple cruises throughout the day and inconspicuously invited some family members over to hang out for a bit....
....then enlisted in their help to push big bertha into the garage
Knocked quite a bit of stuff off my "to do" list. Hard to see in red, but the daily driver always gets serviced first. The order to remember is this: Wife's car, my car, the closest to being finished project, then down from there.
So I was driving Ol' Blue around yesterday and brought some pizza home for dinner. The Wife came downstairs before eating and said she could hear AND feel me get home and pull into the garage (on the second floor of our house with the shower ON).
Something is going to have to change with the exhaust on this truck. The bonus on it being quieter is that I would actually drive it a lot more, currently I won't drive it to work because I don't want to wake up the entire neighborhood in the morning.