I am originally from Ukiah. I went to Nokomis Elementary, Pomolita Jr. High. I was in the 1st freshman class at the new high school then I went to Ft Bragg High before I joined the service and moved away in '82. I'd guess you're closer to my sons' age (20).... he just became a father in April. He lives in Santa Rosa now but still goes up to Ukiah. My brother has grapes out in Talmage and my nephew is still running around there somewhere. He's 20 also.... where was that picture taken of your truck? Looks kinda like the high school parking lot, but it also kinda looks like Radcliff Stadium. But I haven't been up there in a few years so I don't really know.
..congrats on the new baby!
Martin Gibson
USAF Retired
1964(-ish) C10
Last edited by Martin64; 12-27-2003 at 11:13 AM.