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Old 02-24-2014, 09:28 PM   #18
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Re: brake light staying on...

Originally Posted by jasonroman View Post
well i un plugged it and saw light go out. there is a plastic thing on top of the prop valve. not sure how to get it off. dont want to brake the plastic thing and give myself another problem. but under that cap thing, is that where i would stick something in?? like zeplin said earlier
No that is not the place. That part is actually the electrical switch. If I remember right, I removed something from the front of the valve to gain access. This is advanced sort of stuff so I would go for that bleeder first. Replace that and bleed and you should be good till another hole appears or worse. As stated above-please consider lives of others as well as your own and do the right thing. Park it if you can't fix it right!
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