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Old 02-24-2014, 10:40 PM   #85
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Stratford, Ontario
Posts: 97
Re: '52 Rot-box Turned Tire Roaster.

So, hey! I haven't updated in a while due to some laptop issues but we've been working just as hard.

The body is back off the truck, and we've pretty well got the back-half finished up suspension wise. The 4-link was done previous to the body pictures. The next step was to set out and get the upper bag brackets placed and welded in for good. We didn't really have a plan until we started and just kinda went with it...

We used a piece of 2x4 bolted to the upper and lower bag plate to simulate the air bag at "zero psi". RE7's squish to 2.9" at zero psi, but I fully intend to drive this thing as low as physically possible, so we added an extra inch to allow a higher air pressure at the same ride height to firm up the suspension. Same sorta idea I had going with the drop spindles in the front.

The first night, we got this far, these bars run parallel with the upper link bars, and from the back of the crossmember they all look solid mounted.

We had planned to run a bar up over the top of the link bars and tie it all in to the bag mounts. We measured it up the Friday night and then built it Saturday night. As soon as it was tacked in, we all didn't like it. Couldn't all agree on tube placement and decided to scrap it.

So, we went home, I believe at 10:30am Sunday morning after a long night of staring and thinking.

As always, one of us came up with a plan even before we all got home. This is what Dave came up with, I love it. The outside bars (even though you can't really tell in the pictures) are parallel with the lower link bars and the frame rails.

I honestly couldn't be happier with the outcome. I haven't uploaded the newest set of pictures yet, but we've had bags in it and everything is fully welded. I've got the frame torn down now and have spent lots of time blending in everything for good.

Until the next update!
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