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Old 02-25-2014, 08:02 AM   #137
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Re: 55 Wagon Progress

On both inside and out I start out by knocking down the proud of the weld in between dots using a 3" x .035 (or 1/16 thick if that's what you have) cutoff wheel held perpendicular to the weld. This both gives a minimal contact patch for less heat buildup but also gives the most unobstructed view of any device used to grind down the weld, so you have less chance of inadvertently hitting the panel on either side of the weld, thinning out the panel..

See here for the grinding method, this is on a plug weld but the grinding process is the same:

After getting the bulk of it down on the entire weld, a 3" 80 grit roloc sander is used on the outside to dress the panel, and on the inside an 1-1/2" diameter drum sander is used to clean up the high spots and finish with the same 80 grit roloc. Not saying this is the right way or the only way, but it's what has worked best for me.
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