And I must say I am sorry to the ppl who I was supposed to call and meet up with.
My mother in law made a turn for the worse on the 25th, (trying to beat lukimia) and we were running around so much, i didn't even think to call any of you guys.
She is doing OK right now, and will start yet another round of kimo in a couple days. (they say this is the last time)
other than the aformentioned, things went great. Made good time on the trip, no pesky red and blue lights in my mirrors, no mechanical problems, ect. Smooth sailing.
Met some of the rudest junk yard operators, swear I will NEVER do buisness with all but one of them again. I guess they didn't want the 200 bucks in my pocket huh? (I was looking at some borderline decent sheet metal) Oh well...screw them.
Santa gave me a digi-cam and made me promise not to get this one wet or let the wife take it on amusement park rides... so as soon as I empty the car tomorow, I'll be posting some pics!
I'm tired...900 and some odd miles in 12 1/2 hrs...and I had to pull over to smoke.
Like I had said...tail lights and tire smoke.