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Old 03-02-2014, 09:54 AM   #8
Dead Parrot
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Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer

If the truck is in good mechanical shape, there is nothing about a 1600 mile drive to worry about. If the truck was only 3 years old, you probably wouldn't give it a second thought and might only take a few simple tools and spare fluids. The only difference between then and now is the list of tools and spare parts is a bit longer. That said, minor squawks that you might defer when you are only traveling a few miles from home should be fixed before going 1600 miles. Carry a few spare bulbs. Cops seem to love stopping out of state vehicles for burned out bulbs. If you can offer to fix on the spot, might avoid the ticket.

I see from your signature a NY home. Keep in mind the altitude in Colorado. Your performance will likely degrade as you get above 5000ft. Since you are spending the summer there, might research the needed modifications to tune for altitude.
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