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Old 03-03-2014, 12:34 AM   #51
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Re: Where/How did you find your Truck ?

Originally Posted by Rockit View Post
I found mind striped and dumped in an empty lot next to the Rail road tracks. No motor, trans, front fenders, hood to name a few things missing. Doing a little research I found that the owner had quit paying on it and the dealer who sold it had died. I talked to the dealers wife and she said that she would do the paper work and I could repo the truck and give her $350. The guy got wind that something was up so he moved the truck. But I had the plate number and I got a cop to run it, found that the truck was In his father In laws name so I drove by his house and there it was. With the papers in hand, knocked on the door, gave them the papers, through a chain and couple of tires on it and I was out of there and now a proud new owner of a 71 swb.

I was always worried that the guy would try and get even. So wouldn't you know it he rents an apartment next to were I work. I started having trouble with the breaks, when I checked under the truck I found the break lines cut. That was 30 years ago.
Crazy story my friend, any trouble lately ?
1971 GMC Sierra
1959 GMC 100
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