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Old 03-05-2014, 12:40 AM   #16
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Re: Rough Running Dually

As far as I know, only when it is cold. I haven't towed with it in a while or taken any steep inclines but it never does it under normal driving conditions
Originally Posted by Chevy3+3 View Post
Does it backfire only on a cold start up? Does it backfire after its warmed up?
No sweat, thanks for the help. Firing order is good. I have double checked and all is well. I will re-check timing next thing and maybe try advancing just a hair. I'll make sure the wire on the firewall as well, I have made that mistake in the past. I'll give it a go and report back.

Any one else bumping up their timing a little?

Originally Posted by Chevy3+3 View Post
Not doubting your abilities but after thinking about it make dang sure you have the firing order correct and your wires in the right location. Another thing to remember is to disconnect the computer wire on firewall going to distributer when checking your initial timing. If you check you timing or try to adjust distributed while running the computer will correct it and throw everything off.

When I bought my dually with 454 everyone said that the factory set 454 tbi at 0 degrees on the initial timing (with wire unplugged). Alot of people said that if I wanted it to rum better to advance my initial timing to 4-8 degrees it would wake it up some. I advanced to 5-6 degrees and made a noticeable difference in how she ran. Be careful not to go to far. Of you do it could cause pinging and your knock sensor will pick it up and retard the timing and reverse what you just did.

But double check your firing order and then double check your initial timing
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