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Old 03-05-2014, 05:20 PM   #7
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Location: Versailles KY
Posts: 13
Re: My brake light and dome light do not work

Ok, brake lights are still not working(all lights and signals are working). The orange wire to the brake switch gets 12v, when the pedal is not pressed I have 12 v to the white and into and out of the connector, when I press the brake peddle the circuit brakes,,, I assume that is correct. I suspect the problem is in the signal module in the column / horn unit.
The horn does not work, but I have not to working on that yet.
Should I test other area,s before I pull the steering wheel?
How do I switch the switch in the colume once it is pulled?
Is there a picture / instructions of the signal switch/horn assembly in the colume so I can see have it should look,,,, I suspect someone if the switch is not bad it may not be assembled correctly. Thanks for all of the help.
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