Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter
Good tech there. Few people know or even think about the arc of a brake shoe.
Back in the day, many garages would "arc" your new shoes when they did a brake job. Its a dead art now though. There's a local shop here in town that still has a big old sign in the bay advertising the service. I'd like to buy their machine just for the novelty of it.
Thank you; naturally, we had a problem one time.
Presenting symptom was rear brake "moan" on the JB7 brake system. I spent quite a bit of time at a supplier called "Unibond" and learned a lot about rear shoes, production techniques and this "arc" process.
More than I wanted to -
It might seem trivial, since it looks like they are "right up the road" - but at the time I was resident at the Desert Proving Ground in Arizona, so it was quite a trip.
Still have their complementary note pad.