Thread: Zane's Ride
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Old 03-06-2014, 03:15 PM   #199
A.T. RockDriller
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Re: Zane's Ride

Originally Posted by Zane'sMom View Post
Thanks for reposting the congressional record. Pretty cool. I know I have not posted recently. I have a video to post this weekend. The plan for sandblasting the frame fell through, so we are in contact with a local shop to do that for us. I am still waiting to hear from a local glass company too. I will post the video this Sunday. My husband helps me with that, but he is a truck driver, and will get back from Prudhoe Bay tomorrow night. Thanks for your patience! And I hope to hear soon about the
Dear Zane's Mom..
Hope all's well for you and yours.
It's just like all you Sourdoughs up there to down-play the treacherous that is life in the North Country.

For those of you that aren't dialed in on what it means to be a "Truck Driver" in Ak....The obvious would be to say....."ya.... We drive on bad roads covered in all 26 types of snow and who knows how many types of ice (black ice, blue ice, dry ice, crushed ice, pack ice, rotten ice and polar ice to name a few) for at least half the year....blah, blah, blah.....
But anyone who makes a living driving truck between Fairbanks and Deadhorse
has nerves of steel and probably other body parts of steel too.
I'd like to be around for story time when he's doing the tellin'.
Les Hunter
'59 3803 someday to be 3853
'63 GMC K1000...351E, TH400 Daily
'66 GMC 4000...351C, 5&2
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