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Old 03-08-2014, 10:44 AM   #47
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Re: Thoughts on tuning engines

Okay, I'll be the devil's advocate here- been following along thru MONTHS of tuning and tinkering, a lean-burnt blown engine and basically the same practices after installing another new engine.
My main question is:
What are you trying to achieve and tuning for?

I guess my ignorance can't let me wrap my head around what is so complex about tuning a carb'ed I6 to drive every day. All this fuss about how bad computer vehicles are and yet, I ,like a lot of others, installed a EFI system ,shut the hood and been driving ever since. Any issues I have had, have nothing to do with the computer. it's simple and it works. If I had to tune and adjust every day for 4 months, I'd give up! LOL!

You can change the amount and rate of advance by recurving the distributor to bring in the advance quicker or slower to fit your needs/conditions. That's an easy fix.

There's only so much you can gain, and knowing when to stop and enjoy it is relevant.

You've got a great truck, Sharps, one many would be proud to have, the work you've done and upgrades make a great daily driver, but PLEASE, stop adjusting and drive the damn thing and enjoy it! LOL
That is meant with all sincerity and honesty and tongue-in-cheek.- hate to see you seemingly beat your head against a wall on this.

Something to note and this was done by testing fuel for the race cars- even fuels that are supposed to be the same grade, will fluctuate in and out of the 'go-no-go" range. Different batches will vary slightly, so trying to get consistent results is often a bit tricky, because you don't have a base-line consistent fuel. If you were, say to purchase 30 gallons at one time, then keep in a controlled environment and use from the same batch after each adjustment, you could better document the change results. But that is a bit intricate for a daily driver.

Just my 2 cents an probably not worth half that!

Still a great truck, tho!
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