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Old 03-08-2014, 03:11 PM   #49
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Re: Thoughts on tuning engines

Glad you aren't mad, because that was not my intent at all, was just wondering what the end result was. You found that already, too bad the hard way with some medium-well toasted pistons.

I do not know the correct formula, either, just I've always been told to tune to where you want it to run. To do that you need to find the rpm curve you drive at. WOT is irrelevant unless you drive that way all the time. Then, find YOUR midrange in that curve and adjust the "all-in" timing to pull into that range , typically about 34 degrees total timing, around 400-500 under your maximum shift point. Like I said this is NOT an exact procedure, just something that was relayed to me, and I've had decent success with it.
Of coarse now I mainly run computer controlled, but still I can set basic or static timing and allow the computer to pull in advance from there. My TBI is supposed to be timed at 0 at idle(600)rpm, and ends with around 32 @ 2200-2500. But I have found it really likes about 4 degrees initial and hits the 32 around 2000 with the lockup trans.

Now the turbo motor with the MSD 6AL digital control box and the boost timing control is a whole different animal I am trying to learn, because the 6AL will control timing and advance, but the boost timing control will take timing out as the turbo boost builds, to avoid detonation. Seems counter productive but it does work.
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