Originally Posted by thefraze_1020
So I'm having a light issue. When I turn on the headlight switch, the left turn signal comes on and stays on solid. Any thoughts?
Check the grounds on both the front & rear turn signal light sockets. Also check the bulbs (both front & rear) to make sure they're the correct dual-contact bulbs ... 1157's I believe. I remember a case once where someone had jammed a single-contact 1156 bulb into a dual-contact socket. The bulb's single contact bridged across the socket's 2 contacts, shorting the parking light & turn signal circuits together.
Originally Posted by thefraze_1020
Also, when I turn the headlight knob, my instrument lights flicker on and off. Do I need a new headlight switch?
I'd recommend cleaning the switch first to see if that helps. Do that by spraying some electrical contact cleaner on the switch's rheostat section ... that's the part that looks like a bare coiled wire. Then rotate the knob back & forth a few times and see if that takes care of the problem. If not, replace the switch.