OK. I was going to get out in the garage today and do some more prep work on one of the fenders, but didn't quite get to it due to a diversion to a house wiring fix I've been intending to get to for several years now (got it done, though

So, tomorrow (MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY!!!) I'm going to get out in the garage in the evening for some fender work. And this time I mean it

If I don't get a post up tomorrow night (with some pics to prove the progress, of course), I fully expect no sympathy from you guys. I have some reasonable goals set up for the coming weeks for progress on Mustard. If I can't at least get half of that done.....well.....heck, I dunno, but it won't be pretty...
I've been slacking for so long, I'll have to remember my way around inside the garage. I've got some other car maintenance coming up (glorious minivan work

), too, so I need to break the ice (literally) and get out there and get busy.