Originally Posted by ls1nova71
Yes, you can just remove the compressor since it runs on its own belt, nothing has to be added. So yeah, you're good to go so to speak, but you'll be sweating in the summer. 
But when you decide to put air on it, you can use a high mount that several companies offer.
Thanks ls1 ! in your opinion is the Dingo Mounts the way to go ? my head is dizzy with all the different opinions on this board but I will buy them if they are worth the money, kinda expensive and Im trying to work on a budget but I want to do it right my goal is to have this engine mounted with headers hopefully and lowered with a set of new wheels and Im putting the engine and tranny install first then lowering then wheels and paint last, but paint is going to have to wait awhile because funds will be pretty dry by the time wheels and tires go on