Thread: Insurance
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Old 03-11-2014, 01:47 PM   #10
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Re: Insurance

I've also gotten quotes from two or three of the big name "classic car" insurers. They all seem to offer pretty low rates compared to regular insurers for a modern daily driver as well as 24 hour roadside assistance, you can basically tell them what amount to insure it for, little or no mileage restriction, etc. My issue is that all the ones I have spoken to require the vehicle to be regularly parked in a locked, fully enclosed garage. I have an off-street driveway that has 5+ foot tall brick walls on both sides, and my one car garage is at one end. The front of the driveway is open to the neighborhood street of course, but its about as secure as a driveway could be. I explained this to them and was told they'd need to see a picture regardless, but it had to be basically kept in an enclosed space with a roof...albeit not necessarily on my property. Can be a storage unit, relative's garage, etc. I've thought about just taking a pic of it in my mother-in-law's garage, sending them that, and calling it good...but I guess I'd be screwed in the off chance that something happened. I guess TECHNICALLY thats a form of insurance fraud too...but I'm no lawyer.

I understand it I suppose, but kind of a bummer considering they were all like half the price per vehicle of what Geico, our regular insurer, charges us for the two late '90s Jeep Cherokees and one 1963 Chevy Bel Air driver. I knew when I called to put the Bel Air on the policy, and the Geico dude asked "so does it have air bags? (the one in the steering column, not the one in the suspension)" that Geico might not be the best long term option...but I didn't care and just wanted to get it on the road at the time.

The truck isn't on the road yet so it's not a problem, but hopefully will be this spring/summer and I'll have to figure something out. Don't think the wife is gonna be thrilled about a 4th car on the Geico policy. Good luck with your insurance hunt, let us know what else you find out.
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