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Old 03-12-2014, 09:29 AM   #7
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Re: 1984 C10 BBC 427 feels like its lacking in its true performance abilities.

I'm sure your 3.08 gears are hurting performance with the cam you have and coupled with the fact that it is a single pattern cam with stock exhaust manifolds.

Too bad you don't know the compression, but that's not easily changed - you'd most likely want to change the cam if your compression is too low. You can perform a cranking compression test to see how it fares.

Your timing advance curve and/or your cam advance could also be suspect.

I hope your cam is still in new shape because big block Chevys' are hard on cams and your oil spec needs to be on point !

I doubt you'd hurt a th400 trans, and occasionally shifting it manually will have absolutely no adverse effect on it.
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