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Old 03-12-2014, 11:17 PM   #13
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Re: Light, Turn Signal Issue

I just troubleshot this exact thing on my crew cab. I just finished replacing the gauges too so was unsure of where the problem was since I had to repin the connector on the gauges (thought maybe I screwed that up).

What you can do to eliminate the possibility of a light being the issue is go, in turn, to each light on the side whose blinker is staying solid, and remove the bulb. Then re-test the blinker and see if the problem goes away. If it does, then you know the problem is with that bulb (or socket!).

Turned out the problem was in the socket base for my front left turn signal. When that bulb was uninstalled, no problem. When it was in, the blinker would stay solid in the dash (but only when the headlights were on), just as you describe.

For me, the socket on that turn signal was/is going bad. If I twist it just the right way before installing it in the plastic signal housing, it works. Otherwise I have the same problem. Will probably pull a used socket soon and replace it.

Maybe not your exact problem but sounds close and easy to try...

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