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Old 03-15-2014, 02:35 AM   #1
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Question Can hub-centered wheels work here?

Found a nice set of newer Chevy, SS pickup, all steel, thin-center wheels, but the hub-center is too big for my front rotors:don't know if they were hub- or lug-centered originally--kinda leaning toward hub-centered. Lugs are 1/2-inch diam.
Can such wheels be installed, securely centered, by using proper lug nuts that have a taper steep enough to lug-center them? They fit pretty flat against the flat of the rotor, with no noticeable wobble; yet the lug holes have flares that are maybe 1/32 to 3/64-inch back from the flat of the rotor, making me think the tapered-lug nuts with the lug-centered approach is doable. But frankly, I've never experienced it.
Ideas, please?
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