Originally Posted by DirtyLarry
The biggest hassle in all of this is the wiring. Moving from integrated stop/turn signals to isolated takes some work.
Not real difficult or complex to mod the two bulb system to a three bulb system.
Run one wire from the brake pedal to the taillight harness plug and rework the tailight harness plug to include a fifth wire.
Delphi makes a 5 position round Weatherpak...
http://www.amazon.com/5-Position-Weather-Pack-3-pa...If you have an 85 or later rig you'll only have to extract all 8 terminals from the 4 position square 2x2 Weatherpak and re-insert them into the new 5 way round connectors.
The stock brake light wire runs from the pedal to the column and through the turnsignal switch to the tails.
Remove the brake switch wire from the column harness plug and route it to your add on brake wire.
Re-route the turn wires at the tails from the red 1157 bright filament to your 1156 amber bulb sockets leaving a pigtail wire hanging from the bright side of the red 1157 sockets.
Ground your 1156 amber socket to the same sheetmetal ground as the rest of the tails with a ring terminal.
Hook your dangling 1157 pigtails to the new brake wire and test...