Originally Posted by solidaxel
How many quarts does the 5.3 truck hold with a filter.
I heard that the only filter to use was a A/C, because of some internal valving, is that true?
What weight oil is everyone using
Usually what that refers to is called an anti-drainback valve. Once the system has o.p, it helps prevent all the stuff in the oil passages from back-draining through the oil filter passage when the system gets shutoff. That way oil can only follow its correct path, so the engine has the benefit of still being oil bathed in between startup.
It helps with dry starts, and iirc it also helps with vehicles that have the filter mounted in a way that can cause the filter to run dry (Remotes).
This was something that I remember getting brought up as an issue on older high performance motors, but I'm not sure if on todays engines running synthetic oil it even matters much.
A/c isn't the only one, as WIX and others have also used it for a while. Certain part #'s don't have it, as certain vehicles don't benefit from it.
I try to avoid any super-cheapie filters, but I've used WIX, A/C, the Royal Purple brand, and a few others. There used to be big problems with fram, not sure how they are now.