Re: Missing at cruising speed. Confused.
I pulled the plugs and they all looked good.
Like the golden hue of a perfectly roasted marshmallow...white with a hint of cook.
The driver's side had some loading, but I have an exhaust leak on that side and let it idle to warm up this cold winter.
I forgot about the 5-7 thing and I did have the 5 and 7 wires running side by side like a fool and I moved them.
Seems to be running fine now.
I won't know about the backfire until I've another cold start.
I cannot find my timing light.
Correction- My Dad can't find his timing light.
Looks like I'll finally have to grow up and get one of my own? 41 years was a good run, I guess. Ha!
Anyway...the 5-7 wire thing may have been my issue, but I don't recall having any trouble like this until it got really frigid out there this winter.
Regardless, it is running better and I bet if I dial it in a bit more, it'll be better than ever.
Thanks again for all the help and I'll let you all know if it happens again...or if it doesn't.