Re: Lost on what to do with rear end - trying to swap
I agree that if you want a 62" wide rear differential, you will want a '64-'70 12 bolt. I omitted the '63 since they have pressed on backing plates. And then convert to 5 lug. However I have installed a '73+ 12 bolt under a '66 GMC without moving the spring pads. They are off by just a little and there was enough movement in the springs to bolt it up. But the '71+ differentials are 63.5" wide. This may or may not be an issue depending on how wide of tires you plan on running on the rear.
I make 3 different rear disc conversion brackets for the 5 x 5 wheel stud pattern.
The Portland Swap Meet is coming up in a couple weeks (April 4th, 5th and 6th), you could likely find the differential you are needing there.