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Old 03-20-2014, 08:24 PM   #5
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Re: Battery voltage gauge no worky

That's perfectly normal.

The voltmeter only has power & ground connections so it only needs 2 clips. The other gauges need 3 because they have power, ground, and a connection to a sending unit.

The voltmeter does have 3 studs on the back but only 2 of them are connected to the meter movement's internal coil. The 3rd stud is just used as a junction point and to attach the resistor.

I believe that 3rd hole in the cluster housing & printed circuit (where it looks like a 3rd clip would go) is sort of a leftover from the old 73-75 ammeter clusters. The ammeters had the 2 terminals side by side and didn't use that upper/middle location.
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