Thread: 82 swb build
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Old 03-21-2014, 02:15 AM   #4
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Re: 82 swb build

so i got it home and went on a hunt for power steering parts and ended up at the pick n pull and found a couple gems. first i found a near perfect uncut bezel for 20$, then two 82 gmc grilles that are beautiful, it's been hard to find anything gmc and all the aftermarket stuff for the gmc in this year is made without the emblems in the grill. I also found replacement seatbelts and sheaths, power window door panels that are as good as I've seen used so it looks like I'll be putting power windows and locks in the fleetside. oh and i picked up a stock radio for the hell of it. I won't have the panels or the belts til tomorrow but i'll post pics when i do.
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