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Old 03-22-2014, 01:18 AM   #13
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Re: Clifford intake with Hedman headers??

Originally Posted by BlacklandCamper View Post
Chow on Kadena was truly excellent. Our own chow hall at Camp Hansen was decent, not great, but it didn't try to kill us too often. I do have memories of at least two bouts of food poisoning per deployment. However, just outside Main Gate was Kinville, which had some of the best Taco-Rice&Cheese around, not to mention the Yakisoba. Not many Sushi joints outside of Oki-City, but Kinville had some real cool chicken nuggets, half a dozen per serving, all about the size of a plum, and all dark meat.......
Yakisoba, So Desu, ne? I remember hanging out with my buddies from the AVI shop, out in the "Ville" getting that my first night there. If you could handle your chopsticks without spilling any pieces, you were not too drunk to stay out drinking in the ville. If you could'nt handle chopsticks, you had to RTB.
Taco- Rice & Cheese? Had not hit the WestPAC yet. Sounds like some LA food truck fusion thing, like Bulgogi Tacos with GoChuJang/Pineapple salsa.
I try to make Yakisoba on my wok at home, but it just doesn't have that official yakuza taste and consistency.
Sushi and Sashimi was a main-island Japan-thing. MCAS Iwakuni is in Yamaguchi Prefecture, 20 miles outside of Hiroshima, on southern Honshu, the "Big Island" in Japanese terms. [Not counting Hokkaido]. I got dragooned into being the Squadron Training NCO, and had to run 3 miles with the hogs and fatbodies every morning. To upgrade my protein intake, I decided to try that 'raw-fish thing'. I was pleasantly surprised with a bowl of Miso, Maguro Sashimi, a bowl of rice and endless green tea. They were surprised to see an American in their shop and really tried hard for me. Total bill was about 3,000 yen. [$10 bucks, back then]. I became that terror of the grinder, a Corporal with a Clipboard, in my 5-creased Trop shirt, glossy shoes, pisscutter cover and RayBan shades. Great times. Best shape in my life. Ooh-Rah!
[All the above has nothing to do with Clifford intakes and Hedman hedders.]

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 03-22-2014 at 01:29 AM.
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