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Old 03-22-2014, 07:58 PM   #260
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Re: tilly to the rescue

some of you guys knew that razorback red recently sold to a nice couple in northern michigan. before they pick it up they wanted a few upgrades. we added power brakes to the truck and also a sound system.

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years ago i ordered some sets of coiled stainless brake lines to go between the master cyl. and proportional valve. just to get a clean look from the pros because try as i might, getting a nice tight coil from stainless was way more frustration than success.

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i'm addicted to alpine car stereos so when the new owner wanted some sounds, there just wasn't any choice. did use a dual speaker replacement in the stock location and it sounds amazingly good, considering. fortunately the new owner is more about NPR and not so much rock & roll. should do fine...

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a problem i had was with the seatbelt. when you took it off, it would naturally drop down along the seat and if you didn't notice it when you got out, chances are, the closing door would push the belt and scratch the painted area outside the step plates. and it did. my solution was to either get retractable belts, which i didn't want to do or spray the jam with some durable epoxy bedliner. i think the solution worked out good and the black color goes well with the interior colors.

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heres a shot of one of our typical winter days last year. even though red is headed north at least she will be garaged when this stuff happens. adios red...
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