as requested by many and as dictated by slowcpe

here is the trip Itinerary for the '68 Chevy C10 Inaugural journey, commencing April 13th, 2014 to its new home:
‘68 Chevy Inauguration Trip
Monday AM - Pick up truck and see for the first time!
Drive around Reno area picking up long list of items for the trip and testing vehicle (in other words bombing around and having fun)
Visit Jiffy Lube for Fluids Change
Possibly visit Summit for Gear Change (if time)
Possibly visit AllChevy58 who kindly offered his hoist. (if time)
Change Air Filter and Wipers (unless new)
Leave by no later than 3:30pm Drive to Las Vegas to Pick up wife arriving that night. 7hrs
(Nothing breaks because the truck is awesome and my dad is watching over me)
Tuesday, April 15 - Las Vegas to Grand Canyon - 293 miles, ~6 hrs w/o stops
-Rt 93 to Kingman, pick up Rt 66.
~ 90 miles on 66 which will ultimately dead-end into I-40 at Seligman.
Merge onto I-40 to Williams, then take Rt. 64 north to Grand Canyon.
Stay the night
¼ mile walk to Rim and El Tovar
Bright Angel restaurant for dinner. bar at the El Tovar for an after-dinner drink before walking back (flashlight)
In AM possibly Hike down Bright Angel Trail
See G.C. Visitors Center, Kohl’s Studio at minimum
Wednesday, April 16 Grand Canyon to Winslow-152 miles, ~3 hrs w/o stops
When leaving take Rt 64 East to Cameron which is at the junction of 64 and 89. Cameron is an authentic trading post (parts old and new) and glimpse of history.
Take 89 South toward Flagstaff. Just before town pick up old 66 toward Winona for about 10 miles, then back on I-40 for the 40 miles east to Winslow.
Staying for 2 nights
Thursday, April 17
Visit Painted Desert/Petrified Forest then back to hotel-119 miles round trip
Hiking all day at Petrified Forest Nat’l Park:
enter the Park at the North entrance off I-40, and exit from the South End back to Holbrook (~17 miles).
hiking into the Painted Desert at the rim trailhead at the Old Inn and also walking the 1 mile loop at Blue Mesa.
The museum at the south end (Rainbow Forest) is worth stopping in to see.
Head to Holbrook take a right at the stop light in middle of town to see the Wigwam on your way back onto I-40 and back to Winslow.
Friday, April 18: -Winslow to Santa Fe NM (leave early) - 325 miles, 6 hrs
Santa Fe is a really interesting place, one of the oldest towns in the U.S. (1607). The historic Plaza is the central point of the city with a lot of arts and crafts dealers in stalls lining the sidewalks.
Stay the night
Saturday April 19 - Santa Fe NM to Amarillo, TX - 281 miles, ~5 hrs
Grab Hotel somewhere
Sunday, April 20 - Amarillo, TX – Fayetteville, AR - 495 miles, ~9 hrs
List of Items:
PPS MicroStart for Boosting and charging items
LED Flashlights
2 gas cans (the good ones-metal if i can find them)
Tire Plugs and Fix-a-Flat
Set of Spark Plugs
Duck Tape/Wire/Zip Ties/Hose Clamps
Basic Tools: plug wrench, fliers, 10 adjustable
vise grips, pliers, plug wrench, knife, set of combo wrenches
50/50 Antifreeze
Oil/Gear Lube/Tranny Fluid/Brake Fluid
Hiking gear/Camelbacks
Other tool