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Old 03-24-2014, 11:53 PM   #1
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upper and lower control arm bushings - what to replace?

I'm rebuilding my suspension on my 67 GMC 1/2t, 2 wheel drive. I removed the entire crossmember and took it to a local suspension shop and they pulled it all apart. I'm now getting the parts blasted and ready to paint with Mastercoat.

Do I need to replace the 4 "axles" for the upper and lower control arms, or just the bushings that I think screw onto the ends? Here are a couple pictures. The second picture has the screwdriver pointing at what seems to be a rubber bushing on the end of these axles. The shop will be replacing the A arm bushings that these slide into, but they said I shouldn't need to replace these axles because they are in pretty good shape. After looking at them closely, I'm thinking these little bushings should be replaceable, without replacing all 4 of the axles.

Thanks for any input!
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1967 GMC 1500 SWB. Driving this truck since I was 14.
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