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Old 03-25-2014, 10:00 AM   #3
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Re: GMC engine in a Chevy

I'm not for sure what's all involved. According to this article, you can use a 235 crank pulley/balancer and then modify your water pump pulley.

I do know that on the 235 water pumps, you can press the pulley mounting hub down shorter. That's how the long water pup 235's are modified for the early trucks.

Looking at my Chevy, you can probably move the radiator to the front side of the support. You may have to do some trimming to the upper suppprt though.

My dad had a GMC powered 3100 back in the 70's and they also put a GMC in one of my grandpa's grain trucks. He doesn't remember how they did it. With him, I'm sure the hot wrench was involved.

Last edited by whitedog76; 03-25-2014 at 10:06 AM.
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