Originally posted by teeitup
How many of you sellers out there get guys pm'ing you about parts, they say they want them and you send them a shipping price and you never hear from them again? I pm them and ask if they still want the parts they say they wanted, some never answer and they have checked their pm's too. Some never check their pm's according to the tracking. Man I don't mean to B*TCH but this drives me crazy, I go a 100 MPH all day and most the night trying to keep up with questions and pics, and yes I get behind but if I get a pm I answer it and I get approx. 25 PM's daily. I LOVE doing this and will not quit selling, my wife isn't liking it very well lately because of the time but! All a buyer has to do is reply if they don't want the part, don't leave the seller hanging, its rude. Sellers time is valuable, they don't need window shoppers, you know you have to pay for shipping when buying something on the net! I know that this is part of the deal but I've noticed it's getting more frequent on the board lately, or atleast it is on my end. Not pointing fingers but I do have a list. I do realize its holiday time but I'm taking time to find out shipping price too. Thanks to all that do reply to me, this is for the ones that don't reply to my pm's. Just venting!!!!!!! Thanks Randy
That is why I stoped trying to sell anything here anymore ! Most of the trucks I would get were pritty stripped but there was still good stuff on them, the stuff I did not need I would sell ! I know of two decent parts trucks but I just dont really want to deal with trying to share ! the good stuff ! The he you got something, ya I need it, never talk again ! Ya I know how that is !
Also If I have done it to any of the suppliers I probally forgot !

I do that a lot here latley, I think the new year is getting to me ! Also I know I have asked a lot of suppliers about parts that I plan to buy from them just need the cash !

Have a good New Year Randy !

Enjoy the baby they grow so fast !