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Old 12-31-2003, 11:23 AM   #12
Careful, they attack...
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Waterford, MI, USA
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I may occasionally ask about pricing for parts I know I can't buy right now. I do this so when I do have some money, I know what I can get and what it should cost. I am usually good about responding though about whether I want it now or not. I will buy if it's a good deal, but most things I need now are big, heavy and expensive. So, I am shopping for the best price. If 2 people have the same item for the same price, but one has a shipping cost that is $10 cheaper, I am going to go with the cheaper one. $10 is $10! It is rude not to let the seller know if you really want the item though. I have been left hanging before and it does suck. My rule is, if you say you want it and tell me you're sending money, then I wil hold it til the money gets here. You have 7 days for the money to reach me. After that, it goes to the next guy who asked about it, then he has 7 days to pay me. I try to keep in contact with the people that ask about parts. I put them in order or when they asked, I go down the line. It will drive you crazy, especially on the scale that you do it teeitup, you are a better person than I am.
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