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Old 03-27-2014, 09:59 AM   #132
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Re: Need advice: LS ENGINE SWAP

Originally Posted by dman1982 View Post
Seems like a run around so far man...perhaps get some cash back and keep the motor you got?
Dman your right it sure does, I sugested he give me 1500 back considering the mileage but he said he would rather trade me for a train with the originally quoted miles, or close to it. Im happy with it plus he says he already has the one he sent me sold.

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
In 2007 they made both gen3 and gen4 engines The new body style trucks got the new engine but they also made the older style trucks and called them silverado classics.. Also, it doesn't really matter if its flex fuel or not, they'll both run on gas. Do know that with a gen4, speedometers are harder to hook up and you loose the ability to use some features like DBW cruise control.
Thanks Ls1, in that case I hope its a gen III...Ive read somewhere about losing the cruise control option but to be honest I probably wouldnt use it anyways I have CC on all my other cars and I rarely ever use it, but never heard about the speedometer deal curious as to why it would be different
Trying to get thru my LS swap
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