Originally Posted by Sloan66
Sorry 8 degree BTDC
Keep hammering away at it. there isn't a piece of cast iron in the world that can fool you unless you let it. Ok a good idle doesn't necessarily rule out a vacuum leak. Chev V8,s Before 1963 didn't have a PCV. A PCV is a vacuum leak and the engine still idles fine? Why? because the air idle circuit is adjusted to compensate. Prior to 1963 the two screws on the carb where screwed out about 2 and 1/2 turns. after the PCV it became about 1&1/4. you may have adjusted your carb to compensate.? My son has a 72 Pk. it has a 305 2 bbl carb engine from a 85 monti carlo. it acted much the same as yours. he changed carbs, changed ignition. It had a aluminum intake. I suggested he replace it with Known to be good an cast iron intake and 2 bbl carb from a 66 283. It fixed it. The intake manifold was bad had a hairline crack. Probably from someone lifting the engine from the carb base bolts.