Originally Posted by knomadd
So then explain to me how adjusting the idle mixture screws will make an engine run lean or rich, if they aren't adjusted properly? I had a lean condition and did nothing but tune it with the vacuum gauge and adjusting the idle mixture screws and the problem was solved. I'll agree that a no load situation won't feel different, but you can sure tell under load of your lean or fat on your mixture.
I apologize if I don't understand the problem. I was simply trying to give a suggestion based on personal experience.
Im here to tell you that you or anyone else never solved a lean or rich problem by adjusting those idle screws.

The idle adjusting screws are just that. The only affect idle mixture. they have no bearing on fuel mixture except when in the idle circuit. That's why the end carbs on tri power engines don't have a idle circuit. The lean or rich fuel mixtures are depending on the carb controlled by the jets , metering rods, & power valve. Ive worked on and tuned carbs of every kind for more than 40 years. and lots of it was in high horse power drag race & stock cars. I remember back in the day when almost every car that was stick shift when they shifted during normal driving from first to second and second to third would blow a puff of black smoke out the tail pipe. Everone wanted to see chalked tail pipes. they really actuallythought chalked pipes where a indication of good tune & a sound engine. When in fact all the chalked tail pipes where was the coating of lead residue from the leaded gas!