Randy, This is one reason I say first
money gets the part. Not the first guy who responds to a post. The only time that I do anything different is when someone says "I'll take it" and then calls or emails me with his addi so I can quote the shipping. (Usually I get a call because I accept credit cards) It is too hard and time consuming to do it any other way. Too many times I will get a responce and while I figure the shipping, someone else will PM that person telling him that they have the same part for less money, so you never hear from them again... There has been more than one time that someone says they are interested in my part only to wait a weak while they window shop for a cheaper part somewhere else. At the end of the weak, when they didn't find one cheaper they get back with me and then give me their information. Some of the time, then I have to tell them that the part is sold... Agrivating to them..,, yes probably, however you are in the buisness of selling parts, not holding them while someone else makes up their mind if they want it or not. I also have lists of people who have pre-ordered some of the parts that I have had reproduced, and when they came in, (because I do not have the exclusive on them, and another vender, who had nothing to do with the reproduction of the part is able to get the same part) That vender will offer up the same part for a couple of dollars less, just to get the order. This is also just a pert of doing buisness. I was responsible for the reproduction of all of the 4X4 bumper brackets, and since they have been reproduced I have only sold one set. (I had over 10 sets sold from pre-orders and not one person who pre-ordered bought a set from me) Like I said, this is the price of being in this buisness... WES
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