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Old 03-29-2014, 10:17 PM   #2
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Re: Power steering help

Welcome to the site well first off you need to determine if the water pump is the original type short or the later long type. Then you need the pump and brackets and belts of course. New hoses are the way to go unless you are for sure the ones you get don't leak when you get the pump. The steering box will have to be changed and you can replace it with a power type from a truck up to 87 model year. Know this that some time in the late 70's the General when to a metric type fitting and it will either need new hoses or an adapter or unscrew the big nut at the back of the pump[ that holds the pressure regulator ] and it can simply be switched out and that changes it to the newer style pump ends. You will also need a idler arm and pit man arm for the power steering, they need changing anyway most likely. One last thing you need a new Rag Joint that goes between the newer box and the steering arm coming from the colum. Jim
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