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Old 03-30-2014, 08:35 PM   #1
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Question 2010 Chevrolet Cobalt - rear brake drum removal

2010 Chevrolet Cobalt - rear brake drum removal

Howdy folks.

Is there a special trick to getting the rear brake drum off of these cars or is the one on my sisters car just rusted on there?

ok, so check my thinking for me, please :

made sure e brake was off., drum would spin.

tapped the face(of the drum) and around around the edges with a hammer, then a dead blow hammer while spinning, then finally a small sledge(also while spinning).

no budge. no wiggle. no nothing.

popped off the rubber thingy in the backing plate to see the adjuster, to try to spin it back... and I saw the adjuster, but something is different in there than a '85 s10 or a '65 c10...

I'm still researching.

I found this link :

it seems a common thing for these 2000 decade GM rear drums to rust to the stud wheel/spindle thingy/whatever it's called.

Our 2003 s10 did the same thing, but I got it off...

Hmmmmn. Well, it isn't my car so I wanted to research further before really wailing on it, to see if there is some super modern new re-designed thingy majingy that needs to be loosened/removed.

Thanks for any tips.

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