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Old 03-30-2014, 09:15 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: LONGVIEW, TX
Posts: 3
Hello All From East Texas

Hello I am New to the Forum. Last Year I came into possession of my Grandfathers '66 C10 that he bought brand new from the lot in lat '65. So I have lots of History with this very truck and pictures to go along with me growing up beside it ( i find it very cool to own it now), I also have the original title framed. The truck is has had 350 sbc but in in the early '80s and then rebuilt once from what i was told but i remember him putting in a new 350 sbc in the '90s. he also did the 1/4in. tank steel over the bed wood when he got it so removing the bed will be fun.
With all this said I am resto/moding it mostly to look original. My first task that I am wanting to take on is to reinforce the frame. My original plan was to sandblast it and box it, along with adding a few cross members in to this. I have found a Frame design I like that is produced but due to its high cost and my low EMS budget I figured the more i did the better. I have had a few people tell me not to tig weld anything all around the frame due to the possibility of frame weakness.
When this is done I am going to rebuild the motor and do the metal work while off work. I would like to restore it back to what it looked like in 1966 but with more of a hot rod attitude. I will eventually build a new engine for it.
The only sad thing about all of it was the loss of my Grandfather. My Uncle made me buy the truck from the estate even though it was left to me but i don't care I will build this truck to remember him.
Any advice that can be offered will be greatly accepted as to some of this will be learned as I as go, my grandfather taught me that learning hands on was the best way to teach yourself .
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