Thread: swap meet
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Old 04-01-2014, 02:16 PM   #35
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Re: swap meet

er for my 1946 project and that is why I am even coming over
Originally Posted by 70shortfleet View Post
I'll be there Todd, are you going to have a booth or just looking? It supposed to be cool high only in the 50s I think!
I found a NOS right front fender for my 1946 project and that is why I am even coming over. My plan as of now is to take some parts with me and set up a small space at Kansas City and hopefully buy a few items then just look at St. Louis so we can leave for home earlier. I am afraid if I get a booth Sunday, that I will get stuck inside and not get to leave until late and it is going to be a long enought weekend the way it is. Looks like 850+ miles and 2 swap meets in 2 days. I would like to sell some stuff to help pay for the trip so if you need anything that I might have just let me know and I will bring it.

Originally Posted by slowcpe View Post
I want to but have to work the Home Show. Work keeps getting in my way of fooling with trucks.
I hate it when work gets in the way. When you get time, send me an email with an updated list of what you are needing so I can get stuff rounded up. Sorry is has taken me so long to get this straightened out.
Note: All parts I have for sale are also for sale locally.

I currently own: 1940 Chevy Fire truck (project), 1946 Chevy truck (project), 1946 Chevy 1 Ton pick up, 1953 Chevy school bus (storage area), 1968 Chevy C10 (I have drove for 26 years), 1994 Chevy C2500 (daily driver), 2005 GMC crew cab K2500 (parts hauler) and more trucks for parts.
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