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Old 04-01-2014, 10:22 PM   #11
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Re: 62 inline 6 speed ideas

Originally Posted by crhyno View Post
Just want to thank everyone for the suggestions. Looks like I have a lot of reading to do (the pusher thread, and anything I can find on borg warner 3 speed OD). Will let you know the route I decide on.
My compliments on a VERY nice truck! Wow!

I'll add my thoughts. First, you must understand that I am an enthusiast of the T5 transmission. They are a very affordable upgrade and the overdrive seems to be just right for trucks that have a 6 cylinder inline. Also, getting to keep my original rear and clutch assembly will save me time and money.

If you install a T5, then you would have a floor shift 5 speed and could comfortably achieve speeds of 65-70 as long as you choose the proper OD gear.

A T5 is not going to hold up to abuse. Just ask boucher racing what he thinks. If you keep the inline engine, then a T5 would give you a lot of extra drivability with minimal work and minimal deviation from your factory setup (use your current rear differential and engine).

My website has a lot of info about the T5 if you want to read more. Or send me a PM. I'd be glad to help.

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My 65 C10 build:

Want to know more about T5 transmissions? My website has a T5 Info Page and a Step by Step T5 rebuild.
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