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Old 04-03-2014, 05:10 PM   #124
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Re: 54 GMC, S10 swap, OM617 diesel

Well Ive managed to put 125 +- miles on it. (My speedo is off so mileage isnt exact) found a couple issues of course.

Number one is I need an oil catch can setup. I have a breather on the valve cover that I was hoping would catch some of the misting oil, but instead its collecting it and making a mess. So its gonna be a rainy weekend here Im gonna come up with something to remedy that before it slicks the whole engine with oil.

2nd I need a tach. Its hard to tell how high Im actually revving the engine. This engine does have a pretty high redline as far as diesels go but I dont want to push it.

3rd its a blast to drive. Its not gonna smoke the tires or run 10 seconds, but its peppy and spools up fast, has plenty of power to pull hills in 4th gear.

Finished up my sound proofing in the cab so it doesnt drone quite as bad now also. Its fun to drive around in an old truck. Of course everyone has questions, had a guy come take pics of it at the fuel station the other day. Despite all that I still get tailgated by women drivers. Cant win that battle.
54 GMC OM617 diesel swap
87 Chevy Crew Cab Cummins
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