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Old 04-05-2014, 03:10 PM   #3319
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Separated the hubs from the front drums, which was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Unfortunately, it was also a lot easier to ruin the hub with the small sledgehammer I was using to drive the studs out, as you can see with the hub in the foreground. Don't know what the heck I was thinking. Didn't even notice it until afterwards. Maybe the wife is right when she calls me "Bam-Bam."

In addition to that little example of amateur genius, you'll notice that the studs are still sticking through the backing ring on the left. That's because they had been welded to the ring. No idea why. I was also reminded what happened when I originally tried to have all the drums turned. Not enough material left to turn on the right front, and one of the rears was warped (according to the shop guy). Which is why I figured all four should be replaced. And because I wasn't being careful with the sledgehammer, now I need the hubs too. I know we'll be able to find them somewhere, just a matter of making it fit within the budget...
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