Re: Grinds in 1st, but only after leaving it in neutral for a bit
Originally Posted by trevarthan
No clue what you're talking about. The three on the tree shifters have bushings that wear over time. When I bought mine, it was getting stuck between 1st and 2nd quite a bit. I took it to a mechanic near where I bought it and he lubricated everything. So far I haven't had a problem since, but I feel like I'm waiting for someone to smack me over the head with a 2x4. I keep a wrench in the glove box just in case.
It's an unrelated issue, except that if I have to hit 2nd first, then hit 1st, from a stop light under pressure of the cars behind me, I'm more likely to bind it again. Fingers crossed.
It was binding as you went from 2nd to 1st?