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Old 04-06-2014, 02:28 PM   #23
Jake Wade
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Re: 290 HP 350 anyone used before?

Originally Posted by rapidride3 View Post
I'll be installing a 260hp soon. However it will have a Mike Jones hydraulic installed instead of the puny (by almost any means) factory cam. I wanted the best mileage/torque possible with the stock combo. Mike Jones makes camshafts for ANYTHING from a crate 350 to doing r&d for Detroit.

He told me to look for 30-40 hp more with cam,headers and performer rpm, and 2-3 mpg more as well. He says he loves to improve on Detroit's camshafts. However he did say the newer roller cams have been tougher to improve on but it's still possible. His camshafts are not cheap, they are custom ground. My hydraulic was $300. Whereas a comp is probably half. I am relying on his MASSIVE experience and am looking forward to more than what he refers to as a "shelf" grind.

Mike Jones Cams design out of Denver N.C. He is always on the speedtalk forum.
I am running a Mike Jones camshaft as well in my '85 with a 355. Hydraulic roller 208/210 at .050 260/268 at .006 112 LSA installed at 109º ICL .490/.468 lift at valve.

I am very satisfied with the overall performance.
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